Friday, October 19, 2007

72 hour bug out bag -- large kit

To some, the 72 hour kit is everything they have in their house for disasters. I think this should be what you take with you if you have to evacuate on foot. If you can’t carry 72 hours worth of food and water (that is a lot of water even if you only plan 2 quarts per day), scale it down and put the rest in a car bug out kit that can be used in your house or on the road. You can also make a similar kit for work or other places you are likely to be in an emergency. It should be in a medium sized backpack that you can easily carry (get a rain cover for the backpack (or make one)—these really help in wet conditions). Again, repeat items in your smaller kits as you see fit. Here are some suggestions:

It's a Disaster! Book (or print out a similar one)
Personal mini-kit and fanny pack or vest (attached to you separately from the backpack)
Water (as much as you can fit without making the bag too heavy, you can carry some containers empty and fill them later)
Changes of clothes (several underwear and socks, long underwear)
Jacket, hat, and sunglasses
Sleeping bag or blanket (and compact pad), hammock
Soap and other toiletries (comb, nail clippers and razor)
Small stove and/or lantern (or directions and supplies for making one of the stoves above)
Small tent or tarp and netting, plastic sheeting, tent poles and stakes (multipurpose)
Stuff sacks, mesh bags, pillow cases for organization
Duct tape
Hatchet or machete, folding saw
Small shovel
Rope, twine and bungee cords
Backpacking pot/pan
Cooking and eating utensils (kitchen knife, can opener, spatula, spoon, forks, plates, cups)
Dish soap, sponge, dish pan or bucket (collapsible) (also a wash basin or bucket), towell
Food (Snacks and MREs as well as rice)
Detailed road maps
topo maps
Extra ammo
Pocket warmers
A GPS, FRS radio (everyone with a list of channels to use), am/fm radio, solar calculator, or CB (whatever you have that fits)
Copies of important documents, phone numbers, extra credit card, cash, ID
Comfort items (book, cards, bible, pictures, coloring books, games)

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